Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Best Hybrid Golf Clubs Updates

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Cast Iron Golf Clubs Or Forged?

By: Lee MacRae

With such a large variety of golf clubs on the market today, it is no wonder that many newcomers to the game have a hard time when it comes to choosing new clubs.

Read along as we discuss the types available and what they each can do for your game of golf.

To begin with, it should be noted that ordinary, everyday golf clubs will work for virtually anybody standing between 5 feet and six feet tall. And it doesn't matter if you are male or female, the general rule applies. By looking for standard clubs uing the hints given here, you should find something that will work well for you.

Anyone taller or shorter should take a look at custom clubs to get the proper fit.

Cast or Forged Clubs?

Well, the best answer is usually "cast iron".

Why do we say that? Well, cast iron golf clubs normally have a bigger "sweet spot". That refers to the area right in the middle of the club face. The larger "sweet spot" you have, the less likely it is that you will hit a bad shot You can still be a little "off center" and the ball is still struck well because you have a larger margin of error. Beginners especially benefit from that standard cast iron feature. Until their swing plane is more developed, they will have an easier time striking the ball on a consistant basis with the cast iron club. That is why you see a lot of oversized club heads on the market today. They allow average duffers the opportunity of striking the ball well and getting great drives more often.

By contrast, forged iron golf clubs are "harder to hit" a good shot with as they have a smaller sweet spot.

Which begs the question. Why make forged iron clubs?

This is due to the fact that forged iron offers a better "feel" on your shot because it is a softer metal than cast iron. The more experienced player has a much more defined and repeatable swing, allowing them to hit the smaller sweet spot with much more consistancy. They don't need that larger "margin of error" the beginner needs. And now, the better "feel" allows him or her the added advantage of being able to manoevre and/or "shape" each shot to the circumstances as needed.

The next item to consider is the material for the shaft. Will it be composite or steel?

The important touchstone here is golf club speed. An ordinary golf player will have a club velocity of 80-94 mph. Slower speeds normally means looking at a shaft made from composite material. The result of lower swing speed is less yardage on each shot. You want to find some way to offset your lower swing speed. And that is where the composite golf club shaft enters the picture. It gives you a lot more distance than you would get with your normal swing and a steel shaft.

For those of you with faster swing speeds, and subsequenlty good distances, steel shafted clubs will give you a lot more control on your shots. This is very similar to the advantages of iron over cast clubs.

In order to determine your personal swing speed, look for a sports shop or golf store that has speed sensor equipment and get yourself clocked.

With just these few starting hints, it is generally best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club assists or hinders your game. You are searching to determine your personal strong points and weak points. Try out the diverse types and sorts of clubs available to you and see what works best for your own game.

Work on these tips and make sure you tee off with a positive mindset. The more you practice and implement what you learn, the more confidence you will gain in your ability to hit it straight and long. And watch your scores begin to plummet!

Develop a great golf swing with an amazing golf training aid!

Some Quick Golf Information

Golf Swing

The follow-through is the result of the prior body movements. After impact it's just a matter of releasing all tension and letting centrifugal force finish your swing. Centrifugal force will keep the clubface travel and clubface angle in the proper position. After the ball leaves the clubface there is nothing you can do that will affect the flight of the ball.
To find out more just go to golf

Golf Swing

The simple way to learn the proper feel of your swing center is to place a golf ball on the ground and, with sun to your back, take your stance in a position whereby the shadow of your head covers the ball. As you swing, keep your eyes on the shadow. During the swing the shadow will move slightly, however if it moves off the ball you have lost the correct swing center. If the shadow remains on the ball you have kept the swing in the correct position. Repeat this excellent drill daily so as to reinforce good habits that will yield the reults you seek.
For more information go to golf equipment

Golf Training Aids

Some things to know and practice: First, and most important search and ask around about a respected golf instructor in your area, and get them to give you information on their program prior to starting an instructional series. You don't want someone giving you advice who is not qualified, and can impart poor information that can create bad habits.

Golf Drivers

Keeping the clubface angle square to the target after impact breaks down the left wrist, restricting the left arm rotation. These faults set up a chain reaction creating other faults. The lack of arm rotation affects both clubface direction and angle,resulting in both loss of accuracy and distance. Finally, your swing is going at such a high speed that it's a physical impossibilty for you to even attempt to make any adjustments so commit yourself to doing the right things properly in your setup and takeaway because after that things are out of your control.
For more information go to golf trainings aids

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